Sunday, January 20, 2013

Ice Dying- Snow days - the results

So, I have finished washing and drying my ice dyed, then snow dyed garments!

 First the snow and powdered dyed....

 Then it melted... yes there are some leaf bits and stray pine straw. It's snow in the south, we do not have blankets of the stuff to work with!

Tank top one, lots of turquoise! And, the yellow over dyed well.

Tank top 2- the red held it's own with the barrage of turquoise, navy and celadon.

Tank top 3- this one had the most of the green that went yellow, as well as some palomino gold, which interestingly did not turn green.


I wash a load right after these and they seems to have turned a bit blue. So it is either that my HE washer  did not drain all of the water thus depositing, or I remember that I did not re-mix the soda ash mix, which is in it's third use, so it is possible that the chemical reaction was not as strong and more dye released than expected.
~ So, mix the soda ash well
~ Perhaps only use it two times, or replenish
~ Only wash darks after a dye load
~ Try those "color catchers" from Shout

Let me know what you think!

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